Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday. March 27th - Volume 4 - Polluted Shark Tank

Welcome to room 202!

This month, students have been researching an environmental problem in the world, inventing a product to help with the problem, building a website to advertise the product, and pitching their ideas to classmates in the Polluted Shark Tank!

The 3rd marking period is almost over!  The final day of the marking period is April 13th.  As we are in the middle of a unit, any assignments marked 'EX' in Parent Portal will be graded in the 4th marking period.  'EX' means 'exempt' and it indicates that students have not yet gotten to the particular assignment and will complete it in marking period 4.  Any assignments marked 'EX' are not counted  - they do not indicate any loss of points!

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What's coming up?

1. Current Events (4) for the 3rd marking period will be due Friday, March 31st.  If your child is having any trouble with these, please refer to the 'Current Event Rubric' instruction doc posted in Google Classroom.  Current events may NOT be turned in late as students are given the maximum amount of time to get them done by the end of the marking period!

2. Please remind your child that as we move toward the end of the school year that work due will need to be turned in in a reasonable time frame to receive credit.  Each day late will cost 10%, and after 5 days no credit will be given.

3. Student Led Conference time will be here soon!  Information regarding conferences and scheduling will be coming out within the next week.

4. Information regarding our class field trip to Liberty Science Center will be coming out soon, the trip is currently planned for May 25th.

3. If you'd like more regular pictures of what's going on in class, please follow me on Twitter: @petemorris202

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What are we working on?

In science class, students have been participating in the Polluted Shark Tank.  Based (loosely) on the TV show 'Shark Tank,' students created products and pitched them to each other as potential investors.  Students learned about some environmental problems that are affecting our world, then chose one in particular to research.  They then created a website using Weebly for Education and built a model of a product to help in their chosen environmental issue.  Finally, students set up and delivered their presentations as their peers toured the Polluted Shark Tank and decided which products were worth investing our classroom "cash" in!

Students created feedback forms during the project presentations to help recognize and celebrate each other's strengths as well as to help each other identify areas of the projects that could be developed even more.

Some students wrote up a brief description of their product for this newsletter.  Take a look below!  Following the descriptions, take a look at some pictures and visit the students' websites! 

Finally, read to the bottom to find out who our Polluted Shark Tank winners are!

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My product is the Sewaginator. It is inserted into your current sewage system, and filters the waste into potable water, and fertile soil. This can help reduce the amount of sewage in the water. To learn more about this useful product, click on the link!

Jake & Sean:
My product is called the Radioactive Protector.  It shuts down nuclear Power Plants when the radiation get to high. It has tube stunning from all four sides and it goes to to nuclear power plants.  This can help the environment by having less radiation in the world.  Check it out -

Our product is called Smoke Thruster. What it does is it makes it so the fan blows the smoke out one end and the heat goes out of the top so you don’t have to deal with the smoke getting in your eyes and in your lungs. It can help people from dying because when smoke gets into your lungs it can cause lung and chronic heart disease. If you want to learn more here is the website URL:

My product is called the SeaSaver. It sucks up oil. It does the by scanning the water and sucks the oil in. It then goes into a space connected in the product. The last thing it does is it goes to a tube on the side of the ocean and drops of the oil and the the tube sucks up the oil. The oil is very harmful to animals. It can kill animals even if they swim in the oil.
If you want to learn more please visit the website if you want to learn more.

My product is called the Substance Sucker or S+S. I invented it along with my friend Ali, and we think it designed in a way that it could actually become a real problem. The invention is basically a device that sucks up dirty air like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and other fossil fuels, filters them inside the box, and then lets it out cleaner and not as dirty and unhealthy. We are placing it on the sides of main roads and highways because that’s where a lot of gas and exhaust are released. This invention is designed to help global warming, which is a major environmental issue. If you would like to learn more about our product, click the link below for our website.

My product is called The Radio Track. The way my product works is it detects if you have radiation on you at a young age, the way it works is when radiation is in the air or on you it will sense it and go crazy. Well my product doesn’t help the environment as much as it helps humans, because people can die from radiation and it sometimes affects the environment, but mainly the human ecosystem.

Matt B. and Ryan Z.:
We made a product called the Bad Air Go BYE BYE!It sucks all the bad air and then releases it to the plants inside the silo. The plants use it for photosynthesis and then the plants release good air. This idea can help any place with a factory near it.  The reason it's near factories is because most bad air is caused by factories which is more than half.

Written By: Matty B and Ryan and visit our website at Its awesome!!!

Andrew B.:
The project is called the sensor sucker. It clears the ocean and the land from oil spills. It is a drone that has a tube on the base of it and senses any oil in the environment and goes down and sicks it right into the tube. The website url is Thesensorsuckersaves . I hope you learned how the sensor sucker saves animals from oil spills.

 Our product is called !Goo Party! It is a new type of balloon! You can blow it up play with it, and if functions just like a balloon. To blow it up all you have to do is, make a meat ball shape with your unmolded Goo Party, then make a circle with your index finger and thumb, now place the “meat ball” on top of that circle. Now flatten it and stick your finger through the hole. Place your mouth on the opening and blow ,when you have you balloon pinch the top to close it. Remove any extra goo and there you go, you have just blow up one of our balloons!

Goo Party helps with deforestation and extinction of animals. Deforestation because latex balloons are made out of latex. Latex is a substance made from the sap of rubber trees. When the tree can no longer produce latex, it is cut down, but if the latex was not needed, they wouldn’t have cut the tree down! It also helps extinction because when a balloon is popped you normally throw it out, this could fly out of the garbage bag or it could be dumped into the ocean. If an animal eats a latex balloon it is most likely to die, and if that animal is endangered, well congratulations, you just helped extinction! But with goo party it is reusable, so you don’t have to throw it out!

    Our product comes in 3 different packages. Small, medium, and large! A small package has 15 balloons in it and costs $2.00, a medium has 25 balloons and costs $4.00, and a large ( for all those crazy parties you guys have ) has 35 balloons and costs $6.00.
Goo party is fun and easy to use! Here is our URL just incase you want to learn more!
Alex: Our product is called Ecosaust. (ee-co-zost) It filters the carbon monoxide that comes out of cars. It filters the carbon monoxide because it has 2 layers of steel wool and 1 air filter. The steel wool is a back up for the air filter. It will help the environment because the amount of carbon monoxide is a lot so with Ecosyst, it will help prevent that. The website is We hope you enjoy our product

Polluted Shark Tank Class Winners

Each class was given a chance to invest in the different products.  The top three earning products were then given a chance to compete directly against one another.  Below are our six class winning products!

Mercury Maniacs - The Radio Track by Jordyn -

Venus Flytraps - Flishy by Kacy and Sarah -

Mars Bars - Smog Sifter by Harlow -

Jupiter Red Spots - Goo Party by Elise and Addison -

Saturn Savages - The Garbage Pack by CC and Eddie -

Neptune Narwhals - Dioxide Lock by Mackenzie and Danny -

Congratulations to our winners, and thanks for taking a look at our classroom newsletter, Volume 4!